"Diaspora VI"
(c) 2009, Carmen Leidner-Heidrich
Further informations about the Jewish diaspora (Hebrew: Tefutzot תפוצות, "scattered", or Galut גלות, "exile", Yiddish: tfutses), the presence of Jews outside of the Land of Israel, is a result of the expulsion or emigration of Jews from Israel. [read more]
Malerei, Painting, Kunst, Art, Artist, Carmen Leidner-Heidrich, New York, Atelier, Kunstwerkstatt, USA, Aquarell painting, watercolor painting, watercolour, oil painting, abstract painting, abstrakte kunst, ölmalerei, öl-malerei, Aquarell, Niemandsland, East Side Gallery, Berlin, Diaspora, Ausstellung, Kunstausstellung, Kunst-Ausstellung, Gemälde, life-size portrait, naturalistic portrait, maritime paintings, to commission a painting, Leidner, Heidrich